How to use aircrack on kali
How to use aircrack on kali

how to use aircrack on kali how to use aircrack on kali

On the upper part of the screen, all the visible access points (APs) are shown and all the clients which are connected to the APs are listed below. Just type the subsequent command in the terminal. We are going to use airodump-ng command to start monitoring Wi-Fi signals. You can start monitoring the Wi-Fi signals near you, after putting your Wi-Fi into monitor mode. So that they will not be able to interrupt while we are working in monitoring mode, for that type following command in the terminal window. We are required to kill background processes, before we start monitoring Wi-Fi signals. And my adeptor name is changed from wlan0 to wlan0mon.

how to use aircrack on kali

While your Wi-Fi is in monitor mode, notice that you can’t use your internet. Now to put this adaptor into monitor mode type the subsequent command in the terminal. I am going to perform all the following commands on this adaptor as you can see, I have a single Wi-Fi adaptor(wlan0). You are required to know first the name of your Wi-Fi adaptor before putting your Wi-Fi into monitor mode and for that type in the following command in the terminal. Use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+alt+t or type terminal in the search box to open a terminal window in Kali. The following steps will help you crack a Wi-Fi password using kali. Steps of hacking Wi-Fi password using kali?

  • If you don’t have an external Wi-Fi adapter, install kali as dual-boot on your PC or laptop.
  • Make sure you have an external Wi-Fi adapter that supports packet injection and monitor mode, If you want to use a virtual machine.
  • Make sure you have Kali installed on your computer or installed as dual-boot or just run kali as live Operating System and you are in the range of Wi-Fi on which you intent to carry out the attack.
  • After that, to get the password, we will be going to use aircrack-ng to crack the handshake file.
  • When the client will attempt to reconnect to the AP, we will grab the 4-way handshake file which comprises the password in encrypted form.
  • Then, it is essential on our part to send de-authentication packets to the AP which will compel the clients connected to the access point to obtain disconnect from the AP.
  • Primarily, we will be going to discover targeted Wi-Fi (Access Point) through monitoring the Wi-Fi signals.
  • This technique functions in the following way: With all the information gathered from your compromised Wi-Fi, hackers can use your information for their own personal requirements. Essentially, Wi-Fi hacking is cracking the security protocols in a wireless network, granting complete access for the hacker to view, store, download, or abuse the wireless network.

    How to use aircrack on kali